Nhuy 2023
Nhuy 2023
Nhuy 2023
Nhuy 2023
Nhuy 2023
Nhuy 2023
Nhuy Northern California 2017
Nhuy Southern California 2017
Nhuy North 2016
Nhuy Insurance & Financial Agency, LLC, is supported by many key insurance carriers which enhanced us become a “one-stop-shop” insurance shopping experience. At Nhuy Insurance & Financial Agency, LLC, each one of our clients are given a dedicated team of experts that work together to proficiently address all your concerns.
We offer all types of Personal Insurance coverages to our clients in WA, OR, CA, AZ, TX, GA, VA, NV, FL including Auto, Homeowners, Motorcycle, Boat, Car, and Renters. Our benefits department can also assist you in protecting you and your family with Life, Health, and Dental insurance.
Give one of our agents a call to save money on your Business Insurance. Our Commercial insurance coverages include Commercial Auto, Bond, Farm, Business Owners Packages, and General Liability.
As our customer, YOU are our TOP PRIORITY and we will always work hard to understand and fulfill your needs, and to handle your claims quickly, professionally and with a smile. Our goal is to make your decision to insure with us one of the best you ever make.
Principal Resume (18.19 kB 2013-12-11 19:39:05)
Physical Address: 360 Kiely Blvd. #125, San Jose, CA 95129
TEL: 1-408-987-1463 * FAX: 866-596-1240
Mailing Address: 2871 Mauricia Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051
Current E&O Endurance 11/01/2021 - 11/01/2022 Policy # PUG10000140107
Article of Corporation: 200902710291 and Date: 01/26/2009
Choice Point Node ID: Node=JT8644000, Account=360141BNK
Banking: Wells Fargo: 2792 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, Tel: 408-248-3478
Bond: FX 100014138 - 11/16/2012 / 10,000.00
Bond: SL 61400633 - 09/15/2013 / 50,000.00
NPN (P): 7987532 NPN (C):13452963 FEIN: 26-4099972
Licenses https://www.sircon.com 877-876-4430
CA http://www.insurance.ca.gov
0E25228 Principal exp 2/24___0G44999 Corporate exp 3/23
OR http://www.insurance.oregon.gov
769251 Principal exp 2/23___100171386 Corporate exp 12/22
NV http://www,doi.state.nv.us
760482 Principal exp7/23___763862 Corporate exp 3/24
AZ http://id.state.az.us/producers/index.html
7987532 Principal exp 2/26___1800008145 exp 1/23
TX http://www.tdi.state.tx.us
1372934 Principal exp 2/23___1737910 Corporate exp3/24
GA http://www.gainsurance.org
0746149 Principal exp 2/23___ Corporate exp
VA http://www.scc.virginia,gov
756839 Principal exp 2/24___127392 Corporate exp 5/23
ID sircon.com
903014 Principal exp 2/24___903401 Corporate exp 2/24
NM sircon.com
7987532 Principal exp 2/24___ Corporate exp
UT sircon.com
903480 Principal exp 2/24___ Corporate exp
CO sircon.com
730233 Principal exp 2/23___ Corporate exp
WA https://fortress.wa.gov/oic/onlineservices/login.aspx?modules=lse
776542 Principal exp 2/23___822381 Corporate exp 1/24
Login LIC776542/Onekey1$2022 ___Login BUS822381/Onekey2$2022